In English

Vektorikuvitus. Megafoni.

NESS 2021 postponed to 2022

The next Nordic Environmental Social Science conference will be organized by the political science department at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Vektorikuvitus. Puhekuplia.

YHYS-kollokvio 24.-25.11.2016: Public or private sustainability?

The purpose of the YHYS 2016 research colloquium, ‘Public or Private Sustainability?’, is to bring together researchers from different disciplines to discuss the causes and implications of the expansion and diversification of governmental and non-governmental norms for environmental governance.

Vektorikuvitus. Kaarevat nuolet muodostavat renkaan.

20th YHYS Autumn Colloquium, November 3–4, 2014, Helsinki, Finland

Practising environmental social science: 20 years of contested methodologies. Since its foundation in 1994, the Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science (YHYS) has brought together social scientists from many different scholarly traditions and research organisations.