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YHYS Colloquium 2023 - Call for sessions now open!
The YHYS 2023 colloquium will convene the Finnish research community of environmental social science in Joensuu 23.-24.11.2023, hosted by the University of Eastern Finland. The Colloquium will explore what environmental social sciences have to offer in understanding the ‘polycrisis’ and in developing adequate responses under the title of “Polycrisis – eco-social linkages, responses and reconstruction”. This year’s 29th colloquium launches the forthcoming 30th year anniversary year of YHYS, the Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science.
Call for session now open!
If you are interested in organizing and chairing a session or a panel please send your suggestion:
• Name of the session / panel
• Max 300 word description of the session or panel (if a panel please provide names and affiliation of panelists)
• Name and affiliation of the chair(s)
• E-mail of the primary contact for the session or panel (only one)
The working group organisers will be responsible for selecting papers, organizing the session programme and chairing the sessions.
Note: Working groups / panels can be accepted in both English and Finnish, and proposals can be written in either language.
The proposals do not need to link directly with the conference theme.
Send your proposal to: YHYS2023@uef.fi
Deadline: 22.6.2023
More details from the conference website.