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YHYS Fall colloquium 2024 – The Anthropocene: Action and agency for preventing collapse
LUT Business School invites you to join the 30th anniversary of the annual colloquium of the Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science (YHYS) 2024 with the theme ”The Anthropocene: Action and agency for preventing collapse” 27th – 29th of November 2024 in Lappeenranta, Finland
Call for sessions and panels now open – click for submission details! Deadline 1st June
The YHYS 2024 Fall Colloquium is The Annual Meeting of the Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science. This year it will be hosted by LUT University Business School and will convene in Lappeenranta, Finland, on 27-29 November 2024.
The theme of the colloquium is “The Anthropocene: Action and agency for preventing the collapse”. In addition to social sciences and humanities across disciplines and traditions, the colloquium includes the field of economics and business studies as core lenses to investigate the environment.
The YHYS 2024 Fall Colloquium invites contributions from environmental social scientists to engage with the notions of action and agency in relation to the Anthropocene. Systemic change of great magnitude is needed, where action takes place across sectoral boundaries (public, private, civil), levels of society (micro, meso, macro) and across-scales (time and place). This requires a new kind of agency that is able to collaborate effectively with a variety of other actors.
The colloquium will act as a platform for multiple, diverse and critical perspectives on the Anthropocene, including scientific theories, novel organizing concepts, interdisciplinary and methodological inquiry (e.g. case studies of regions or sectors) and/or as a generic notion capturing specific features (e.g. sufficiency, social justice, energy transition, regeneration, circularity, etc.) of this epoch. The colloquium aims at advancing environmental social sciences by knowledge on the complex interplays during this epoch and the question how we can change ourselves to preventing the collapse.
For more details about the theme, please read here.
Details about the programme, keynotes, and registration to be announced. Please be in touch via admin.yhys2024@lut.fi if you have any queries.
Pre-day: 27 November 2024.
Main Colloquium: 28-29 November 2024.
Deadline for the call for sessions: 1st June 2024.
Deadline for the call for abstracts: TBA.
Venue: LUT University, Yliopistonkatu 34, 53850 Lappeenranta, Finland
Administration email: admin.yhys2024@lut.fi
Submissions email: submissions.yhys2024@lut.fi